About Al Quran Academy London


In 2010, to mark the 200th anniversary of the Bengali translation of the Quran, Al Quran Academy London began the brave initiative to convey the meaning of the Holy Quran to all. The initial scope of the project was to undertake mass free distribution of the Holy Quran with translation throughout the Bengali speaking literate of Bangladesh and India, along with the entire surrounding Bengali speaking zone, 

Alhamdulillah, 13 years on, Al Quran Academy London has already distributed nearly 2 million copies of the Holy Quran with translation. This achievement would not be possible without the blessings of Allah, and the Dua and support of our donors and wellwishers from all over the world. 

Read the Quran

Understand the Quran

Live by the quran

spread the quran

help is our main goal!

In these troubled times, help spread the message of truth, justice and hope: sponsor copies of the Quran for distribution.

Sadaqah jariyah

Please donate generously as Sadaqah Jariya

Giving someone a Quran to read is a great form of Sadaqah Jariyah. That means you will get reward for every single letter, word, ayah and surah that is read from your sponsored Quran. And the typical recipients of these Qurans often pass them on to younger generations. Copies donated to mosques are read by multitudes of people over many years. Just imagine receiving continuous reward as long as your sponsored copy of the Quran is read. SubhanAllah!
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