Spreading the word of Allah

Al Quran Academy London

Al Quran Academy London is an international da’wah organisation, primarily based in the United Kingdom. Since its inception as a registered charity in 2010, we have embarked on an historic project of mass free Quran distribution. This ambitious mission began with free distribution of the Holy Quran with simple Bengali translation amongst literate Bengali speaking people across Bangladesh and India. Alhamdulillah, over 10 years, we have expanded the reach of our Quran Distribution project across the globe and we have produced over one million copies of the Holy Quran with translation in different languages and different versions for distribution worldwide


The Holy Quran is the last testament of Allah, sent to us as His final Word. It is the ultimate book of guidance and the salvation for all Mankind. It is our obligation as Allah’s best creation to read and understand His message to us. We should all strive to read the Quran with translation so that we can learn the true meaning of the Word of Allah


As Muslims, we have a duty to spread the Word of Allah far and wide, so that our fellow members of society also receive guidance and mercy. Alhamdulillah, the Holy Quran is widely available now with translations in many languages. It is now much easier to convey the message of Allah just by gifting someone a copy of the Quran

Spreading the word of Allah

Al Quran Academy London’s Free Quran Distribution project began with a simple Bengali translation. By the grace of Allah, with increasing support from our donors and well-wishers, we have expanded our project by publishing translations of the Holy Quran in over 15 languages. Moreover, we are currently striving to produce translations in many other languages to keep expanding our global reach. 

Alhamdulillah, so far we have distributed nearly 2 million copies of the Quran with translation in 27 countries in 4 continents in 15 languages, and we distribute copies without Arabic text to non-Muslims. We always distribute the Quran without preference to belief, gender, nationality or creed.

we publish the holy quran in

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qurans distributed






YEARS Established

Upcoming events

some of our forthcoming awareness events

Islamic Book Fair
Quran Conference & Exhibition

find out more about our worldwide quran distribution project

As with all charities, we rely heavily on the voluntary support of our countless well-wishers across the globe. Our work is only possible through the hard work and financial support of our supporters.

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